- if MAC address changed
- Remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file to make sure the new adapter to be eth0;
- Or update the /etc/network/interfaces for proper configuration for the new adapter (it maybe eth1, eth2 or ...)
2014年5月28日 星期三
VirtualBox - Waiting for network configuration issue (Missing eth0)
2014年5月20日 星期二
[FW] Using gzip and gunzip with mysql to import/export backups
mysqldump -u user -p database | gzip > database.sql.gz
gunzip < database.sql.gz | mysql -u user -p database
refer: http://failshell.io/mysql/using-gzip-and-gunzip-with-mysql-to-importexport-backups/
2014年5月19日 星期一
Mount cifs on Ubuntu Server (Microsoft Windows Shares)
1. sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
2. Temporary
2.1. mount -t cifs //XXX/XXX -o username=XXX,password=xxx /media/mnt
3. Permanent (for user MyAccount which uid is 1000)
3.1. Add a file .smbcredentials under /home/MyAccount with following informaiton
3.2 Add following into /etc/fstab
//XXX/XXX /media/mnt cif uid=1000,credentials=/home/MyAccount/.smbcredentials 0 0
3.3. mount -a
refer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently
2. Temporary
2.1. mount -t cifs //XXX/XXX -o username=XXX,password=xxx /media/mnt
3. Permanent (for user MyAccount which uid is 1000)
3.1. Add a file .smbcredentials under /home/MyAccount with following informaiton
3.2 Add following into /etc/fstab
//XXX/XXX /media/mnt cif uid=1000,credentials=/home/MyAccount/.smbcredentials 0 0
3.3. mount -a
refer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently
Update timezone on Ubuntu Server
1. Check Timezone
$ cat /etc/timezone
2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
select Asia
select Taipei
Refer: http://www.christopherirish.com/2012/03/21/how-to-set-the-timezone-on-ubuntu-server/
2014年5月14日 星期三
Redmine - Implementation
- System installation
- Basic installation
- standard installation
- Ubuntu Linux(or MS Windows)
- Apache
- MySQL (or Postgre SQL)
- Redmine
- Ruby & Rails
- bitnami installation
- packed installer
- Virtual Machine (*)
- VMWare and VirtualBox are all workable.
- Email setup
- Modify configuration.yml under /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/config
- Fill up the SMTP information (our SMTP server or Email)
- Subversion integration
- Link the exist repository
- Link between Revision and Issue
- Standard link
- Go to specified revision under Repository page
- Add the Issue id releated.
- Subversion message log
- #XXX will be translated to a link refer to the Issud ID XXX
- Issue comment log
- rXXX will be translated to a link refer to the Revision ID XXX.
- System backup/restore
- Backup items
- Redmine database
- For MySQL:
- mysqldump -u root -p XXX bitnami_redmine > sqldump.sql
- Attached files
- rsync -a /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/files /mnt/storage/redmine/files
- Work Flow
- Issue reporting flow
- Bug fix flow
- Reporter creates an issue with “New” state and assign to TaskOwner
- TaskOwner assigns the issue to the Developer (TaskOwner may be the issue owner).
- Developer changes the state to “In Progress” when handling.
- Developer changes the state to “Resolved” or “Rejected” then assigned to Verifier.
- Resolved: Solution provided for verification.
- Verifier changes the state to “Closed” and changes the assignee to NULL if the solution has been verified.
- Verifier changes the state to “ReOpen” and assign back to Developer if the solution is not workable.
- Rejected: Invalid testing procedure or Work As Design issue.
- Verifier changes the assignee to NULL if he/she agree with that.
- Verifier changes the state to “ReOpen” and assign back to Developer if the “Rejected” reason if not acceptable.
- Reporter/Verifier has right to change state from “Closed” to “ReOpen” and assign to Developer if the same issue happens again.
- Project management of a development flow
- TaskOwner Creates ToDo list
- Creates issues with "Feature" category
- Setting constraints between issues.
- Fills up the estimated start/end date and working hours of the issue
- Checks the Gantt Chart
- TaskOwner Create Roadmap
- Create Versions and assign feature issues to specified Version
- Team work (TaskOwner)
- Assign specified issue to Developer
- Update the start/end date of the issue and related issues.
- Checks the Gantt Chart.
Redmine - Project Management & Issue Tracking system
- Issue Tracking system comparison
- Not Free
- JIRA (project management feature as well)
- basecamp (project management feature as well)
- Cost Free
- Trac (project management feature as well)
- Written by Python
- Redmine (project management feature as well)
- Written by Ruby & Rails
- Mantis
- Bugzilla
- Roles in Redmine (For our design flow)
- Manager
- Project administrator (Permission Controller)
- Task Owner
- Main Developer, Version creator.
- Developer
- Issue fixer
- Reporter
- Main issue reporter
- Verifier
- Solution verifier
- Issue state in Redmine (For our design flow)
- New
- In Progress
- Resolved
- Solution provided
- Feedback
- Needs more informaiton
- Closed (issue finished)
- Solution verified
- Rejected (issue finished)
- Due to some reason, the issue has been terminated
- ReOpen
- Issue happens again.
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