2014年3月18日 星期二

Android build instruction

  1. build
    1. m - build all modules from the top of the tree
    2. mm - build all of the modules in current directory
    3. mmm - build all of the modules in the supplied directory
  2. make
    1. make systemimage - system.img
    2. make ramdisk - ramdisk.img
    3. make userdataimage - userdata.img
    4. make snod - build system.img quickly without checking the dependency
  3. misc
    1. croot - change directory to the top of the tree
    2. cgrep - grep on all local c/c++ files
    3. jgrep - grep on all local java files
    4. resgrep - grep on all local res/*.xml files
    5. godir - go to directory containing a file.
    6. printconfig - print the current build configuraiton

